Welcome to October's "Networking Newsletter" by email. A PDF version, complete with (colour) photos is available online either at http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/58/nn58.pdf (1Mb download) A web version of this newsletter will be available shortly at http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/58 and the latest newsletter at any given time can always be found at http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/latest.shtml For the very latest news remember to visit our "stop press" web page at http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/stop_press.shtml and events updated daily at http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/Calendar and full dates of groups are at http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/Contacts Please pass this email on and encourage people to sign up to our various email lists by sending an email to signUp@networkingnewsletter.org.uk or visiting http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/feedback.html) Enjoy! [Michael] ========================= NETWORKING NEWSLETTER #58 ========================= OCTOBER 2004 (printed/distributed: 11.10.04) - pls respect the "copyright" notice - ********************************************* -- (c)Networking Newsletter Project(2004) -- -- http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk -- - Permission to reproduce any info is given - -- subject to full inclusion of this notice - ********************************************* CONTENTS -------- 1: MAKING A BLOODY PROFIT 2: NEW RESOURCE CENTRES IN THE CITY CENTRE 3: IN TOWN WITHOUT MY CAR 4: BALLOT ON THE BEACH 5: ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE 6: EDITORIAL 7: EVENTS LISTING 8: CONTACTS 9: WORTH WHILE WEB 10: WEB SITES WORK 11: STANDING ORDERS 12: COPYRIGHT NOTICE ********************************************* -- (c)Networking Newsletter Project(2004) -- -- http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk -- - Permission to reproduce any info is given - -- subject to full inclusion of this notice - ********************************************* --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: MAKING A BLOODY PROFIT Manchester Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) recently protested at Greater Manchester Pension Fund's investments in arms companies at its Forum for retired Members at New Century Hall. Greater Manchester Council Tax, Fund members' contributions, including Greater Manchester Councillors, are invested in UK and overseas arms companies by the Fund. Manchester CAAT has launched a new website at http://www.greatermanchesterpensionfund.org.uk detailing these investments and showing the weapons the Fund invests in. Signatures for a petition opposing these investments, which can be downloaded from the website, are being collected from Council tax payers, Fund Members and Councillors or you can send letters condemning these investments via the website. Help is needed to collect signatures across Greater Manchester. To volunteer, please email CAAT via the website or write to Manchester CAAT, Box 24, Bridge 5 Mill, 22A Beswick Street, Ancoats M4 7HR. Mike Kavannah --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: NEW RESOURCE CENTRES IN THE CITY CENTRE A couple of new centres have opened in Manchester city centre, within 100 metres of each other. On the one hand "The Green Fish Resource Centre" has opened at 46-50 Oldham Street. This houses VAM (0161 234 2929), Community Arts Network, Community Accountancy Service and Refugee Organisation Hot Desks (managed by Manchester Refugee Support Network). Their web site, although it needs updating, is http://www.green-fish.org.uk Just round the corner, on the same street as Virtual Manchester's and the Civic Society's old haunts, at 24 Lever Street is "a new place where campaign/community and arts groups can meet. It will have a bookshop, a library, computer space and possibly in the future a cafe. People have been working on it for nearly a year and we haven't actually thought of a name yet though at a [recent] meeting some really good suggestions were made!" As far as we can determine, there's no web site nor contact number but people are welcome to pop in and see what's happening. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: IN TOWN WITHOUT MY CAR As reported in the previous Networking Newsletter, several local councils took part in this year's celebrations and promotions of the annual car free day. Here, Graeme Sherriff gives a personal view of the Manchester event: This year's In Town Without My Car Day improved upon last year's in some ways. There was clearer signage saying what the day was about, whereas last year it looked like just another street market. There were activities concerned with learning about sustainable transport, particularly about the health aspects. School kids were involved & there were some interesting publicity stunts such as people on horses. However, the actual road closure was less significant than last year: last year a section of Deansgate was closed, this time the area closed was already pedestrianised. There were no green groups to talk to this year, which made it feel very council dominated, and I'm not sure I can really accept that Manchester Airport should be so closely involved with an event that is supposed to be promoting sustainable transport. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: BALLOT ON THE BEACH Manchester Trade Justice activists lobbied the recent Labour Party Conference at the "Ballot on the Beach" where the first instalment of 60,000+ "Votes for Trade Justice" was pooled. Cafod, Christian Aid, World Development Movement and other activists from Manchester joined some other thousands in Samba procession to the conference centre after a rally. After obligatory shouting we kept a deafening silence for two minutes in solidarity with the millions of trade activists worldwide. Then whistle blowing and pot banging, a la Argentina, before marching back along the front. The collecting of the votes will continue in Manchester and around the country up to the G8 conference at Gleneagles next year. For more details of local actions see http://www.tjm-manchester.org.uk and to vote electronically visit http://www.votefortradejustice.org Stephen Pennells/Dave Pearce, World Development Movement (0161 428 9929, wdm-manchester@jdc-web.org.uk) Email forum: wdm-southman-subscribe@yahoogroups.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5: ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE This year's European Social Forum is being held in London from 14-17 October and is an opportunity for trade unions, community groups, anti-racist organisations, women's groups, lesbian and gay groups, anti-war movements, campaigners around environment, privatisation, health, disability, asylum, housing, local social forum, grassroots networks - tens of thousands of people trying to create another world together - to make vital connections with people organising on the same issues across Europe and to listen to key speakers on a range of subjects. But it's not all sitting around chatting, street threatre such as The Massed Beer Can Orchestra, Bewonder (placing recycled products on shops' shelves) and a bit of subvertizing will abound. The weekend ends with a demonstration "Time to Go - Bush Out - Troops Out" to show the public's disgust with the occupation of Iraq and with war & the reasons for war. To book a ticket for ESF go to their web site (below). A few groups are organizing transport from Manchester. CND/Stop the War offer coaches for just the demo (17/10) leavingChorlton Street at 7am, leaves London 5pm (£20 solidarity, £15 waged, £10 unwaged). Alternatively they have another coach leaving M/c 4pm, Thursday returning Sunday (£40 solidarity, £30 waged, £20 unwaged). To book either option contact Viv Smith, Stop the War Coalition (07905 589 865). Manchester University Student Union are also providing transport (leave Thurs and return Sun/Mon); to book contact Robin, MUSU (07734 423 050). Finally, BeyondTV also providing transport: Mick (07950118553 [sms only], mick@undercurrents.org) http://www.fse-esf.org ********************************************* -- (c)Networking Newsletter Project(2004) -- -- http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk -- - Permission to reproduce any info is given - -- subject to full inclusion of this notice - ********************************************* 6: EDITORIAL You've probably noticed that this issue is slightly late. This is due to being overwhelmed with the events listings coming in & thus spending much time keeping the online version up to date. But rather than keep you hanging on until November, I though you'd appreciate a slimmer, albeit a few days late, October version. But two pleas: firstly for you to send in your news & views so we can publicise these to the thousands that read this newsletter and the website. Secondly, if your subscription is out of date please consider renewing or making a donation since the bills are rapidly increasing. The Networking Newsletter has a ten year history of helping campaigners in and around Manchester to work together more effectively. The focus is on those who are working for positive change on issues of peace, development, environment, human rights, animal rights and other areas of social justice. NEXT MONTH The next issue will cover both November and December and contain the results of our survey (see http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/surveys/survey2004.html) and please send in your views on how you'd like to see the Council develop its sustainable development policies (http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/57/gauntlet.html) Articles for the next newsletter should arrive by Monday 25 October to 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS, email info@networkingnewsletter.org.uk or fax 0161 834 5797 (marked FAO: Networking Newsletter). Articles should be 50-200 words long, preferably with a picture or other hi-res colour graphic, and include your full contact details. TAKE THE GREEN OPTION You can now save paper by getting the Networking Newsletter and updates delivered by email. We can either email you a text-only version of the newsletter or a PDF as soon as it comes out. To join up send an email to subs@networkingnewsletter.org.uk saying which format you prefer, and whether you wish to go on the "actions" list. The latter allows people to swap information on forthcoming events. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7: EVENTS LISTING Since the events listed is updated so often and regularly posted to the emailing lists we have only included events for the week following publication of this email version of the newsletter. Please go to our web site http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/Calendar for the latest details. *2001 - 2010* International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World Info: UNESCO http://www3.unesco.org/iycp/uk/uk_mov.htm International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism *2003-2012* United Nations Literacy Decade: Literacy for All *2004* International Year to Commemorate Struggle against Slavery UN International Year for Rice ************** *OCTOBER 2004* ************** *All Month* From Butties to Bhajis Pump House People's History Museum, Bridge Street. Working people's food in Great Britain and how this has changed and developed over the last 200 years. Info: People's History Museum (839 6061) Black History Month Celebrating black history and the contributions of black people worldwide. http://www.black-history-month.co.uk *Monday 11 - Friday 15* Wildlife in the Library: Family Learning Week Partington, Timperley & Urmston Libraries (TBC). Story/activity sessions for parents and tots. Info:Trafford Libraries (912 2944/01625 534790) *Thursday 14 - Sunday 17 Oct* European Social Forum. Conf. entry from £20, London. See above. http://www.fse-esf.org *Friday 15 - Sunday 24* Levenshulme Community Festival A celebration of Levenshulme's amenities, cultures and organisations featuring music, sport, art, literature, competitions and other events. Info: (257 2484, info@levenshulmefestival.co.uk) *Friday 15 - Sunday 17* Conflict Resolution From £20 (Bobbins negotiable in part/full payment). Age Concern, Ashton. Workshop looking at the underlying causes of violence and exploring new ways of dealing with conflict, for anybody who has niggling little resentments that become grudges... anybody who struggles with anger... and anybody who wants to find out about alternatives to violence. Level One workshop. Info: Fran Townsend, Alternatives to Violence Project Greater Manchester (832 3660) *Friday 15* The New Section 28 6pm, The Gay Centre, 49-51 Sydney Street. Campaign meeting & LGBT activism talk open to everyone! Come along to the Gay Centre for an evening of banner & placard & costume-making, LGBT Political Activism Talks and "New Section 28" discussion and campaign planning. Info: Tom, Queer Youth Alliance (07754046850) Yogi's Dinner Party £7/£6(concs)/£5(children). 8pm, The Ananda Marga Centre, 42 Keppel Rd, Chorlton. Vegetarian/vegan feast to raise funds for feeding homeless people in Greater Manchester. There will be live music, fine company and great food! RSVP: Prema Sa'gar Rose, Ananda Marga (282 9224, anandamarga.mcr@gmx.net) African and Caribbean Extravaganza £5. 9pm-2am, Palace Nighclub, Farmside Place, Levenshulme. African and Caribbean food and a disco. Info: (224 2096) *Saturday 16* Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre Open Day 11am-3pm, Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre, Ground Floor, Devonshire House, University Precinct Centre, Oxford Road. Info: Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre (275 2920) National Pure Water Association AGM 1pm, Friends Meeting House, Mount St M2. Speakers, for members and friends from 2.30pm, are Dr Diane Philips ("Fluoride's damage to the thyroid gland") and Peter Crampton ("Positive Campaigning"). Info: Felicity Mawson, NPWA (londaf1@aol.com) *Sunday 17 - Sunday 24* One World Week This year's theme is "Your Move". *Sunday 17 Oct* John Gregory 2-5pm, Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent, Salford. Gerry Sables will give talk about the West Country poet John Gregory (1831-1922). Gregory was born in Bideford and at the age of 11 apprenticed to a shoemaker. After 1856 he lived in Bristol. He was a prolific writer & published 5 volumes of poetry including Song Streams (1877) & Idylls of Labour(1883). In addition to his writing he was active in the co-operative movement and Bristol Socialist Society. Gerry Sables has made a study of the life and work of John Gregory. Free entrance with a collection to defray expenses. Info: Working Class Movement Library (736 3601) Arna's Children £3 waged, £2 unwaged. 3pm Cross St Chapel. Film telling uplifting but tragic story of a Jenin-based children's theatre group, established after the first Palestinian Intifada of 1987. The group is just one of the cultural projects set up by Arna Mer-Khamis, a life-long campaigner for peace, justice and human rights, born in 1929 to Jewish parents and married to a Palestinian Communist. In this unmissable film, director Juliano Mer Khamis, Arna's son & one of the directors of the theatre group, documents the children during rehearsals from 1989 to 1996. Later, he returns to record their fate after the outbreak of the second Intifada. What does he find? One has committed a suicide attack in Hadera in 2001, one has been killed in the battle of Jenin & one now leads a resistance group. Shifting between the past & the present with subtlety & understatement, the film tries to understand the choices made by young lives suffocated by occupation. Info: Iraq Solidarity Campaign (882 0188, 07946 783 801) *Tuesday 19* Governance and Legal Issues 9:30am-1pm, Voluntary Action Manchester, Green Fish Resource Centre, Oldham Street. Free training session on for the community and voluntary sector. Bookings: Anton, VAM (234 2929) Longsight Ward Coordination Panel 3:15-5:15pm, Longsight Library. Meeting bringing together Council departments, local Councillors, community activists and other service providers, to plan things that need to be done to improve the area. Info: Elaine (225 9010) *Wednesday 20* Effective Employment From £45. 10am-3pm, St Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green North. The day will cover a range of good employment practice areas through a series of workshops and information sessions. Knowledge of employment issues has traditionally been weak within the voluntary sector and this conference seeks to address this. Bookings: Susan Barrett, GMCVO (277 1001) Greening Manchester 7:30-9:30pm, Committee Room 1, Manchester Town Hall. Cllr Neil Swannick, Executive Member for the Environment will speak about the plans for "Greening Manchester". Info: Mike Franks, Gtr Manchester SERA (mikec.franks@btopenworld.com) ALL Community Group Network 7-9pm, ALL FM Studios, corner of Albert Rod and Marshall Rd, Levenshulme. Info: Carl Gurden, ALL Community Group Network (248 4248, carl@allnet.org.uk) *Thursday 21* Civic Society Annual Awards Lunch £35. Noon, The Lowry Hotel, 50 Dearmans Place, Chapel Wharf, Salford. At the first of the new look Manchester Civic Society Annual Awards, the Keynote Address and Presentation of the Awards will be by Tom Bloxham MBE, Chairman of Urban Splash. The Master of Ceremonies will, as last year, be Alistair Macdonald. Ticket Applications to new office please: Manchester Civic Society, Worsley Mill, 8 Blantyre Street, Castlefield, Manchester M15 4LG. Info: Manchester Civic Society (236 0051, info@manchestercivic.org.uk) Equal Opportunities 12:30-4pm, Voluntary Action Manchester, Green Fish Resource Centre, Oldham Street. Free training session on for the community and voluntary sector. Bookings: Anton, VAM (234 2929) Resisting the new Apartheid 7:30pm, Friends Meeting House, Mount Street M2. Meeting discussing the case for sanctions against Israel, with Gerald Kaufman MP. Info: Dave Pearce, Palestine Solidarity Campaign Manchester (428 9929) *Friday 22* YASP Open Day 3:30-7:30pm, YASP drop-in centre for young people, Stockport Road, Levenshulme. Free internet access and a buffet. The centre provides practical help with housing, benefits, health issues, relationships, counselling and much more. *Saturday 23* African and Caribbean Fun Day 12-4pm, St Mary's Parish Centre, Elbow Street, Levenshulme. Info: (257 2484) Guided Walk. From noon, Highfield Country Park. Info: (257 2484) Demo at HMP Forest Bank 1pm, HMP Forest Bank, Agecroft Rd, Salford. David Blunkett visited Dungavel Removal Centre and said he found the conditions "entirely satisfactory". A few weeks later, an immigration detainee was found hanged at Harmondsworth Removal Centre. Four days after that, a detainee was found hanged at Dungavel. Was Blunkett entirely satisfied then? Seemingly not: after a major disturbance at Harmondsworth following the death, over 100 detainees were moved to prisons, including HMP Forest Bank. The Home Office say those detainees have been moved out of prisons now. Asylum seekers are criminalised by the Home Office, made destitute & homeless, have been forced to work illegally in order to survive - some have been caught, convicted and jailed at HMP Forest Bank. As a part of a nationwide series of demos, our last demo at HMP Forest Bank had a major impact and detainees said it gave them great strength to know people on the outside supported them. Anyone with a car or wanting a lift should assemble at Chorlton Street bus station at noon. Buses from Manchester (all buses require 15-30 mins walk to the prison): #8 from Cross Str (near Boots) at 25 mins & 55 mins past the hour get off at Agecroft Rd/Bolton Rd junction; #93 from Exchange bus station, at 50 mins past the hour, get of at Butterstile Lane, walk down Hilton Lane; #92 from Bury Interchange, at 20 mins past hour, get off at Butterstile Lane & walk down Hilton Lane. Info: Emma (07786 517379, sady_campaign@yahoo.co.uk) or Heather (07903 184786, simple_things@riseup.net) *Sunday 24* Mohammed Issah 8pm, Wigan Baptist Church, Lord Street. Visit of Mohammed Issah (see 27 Oct) Info: Gtr Manc Christian Aid (273 3647) ******************************************************************** * This events listing was prepared by the "Networking Newsletter". * * http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk Tel: 0161 226 9321 * * Please circulate with this notice intact and credit our hard * * hard work if you list any of the above info in your publications * ******************************************************************** REGULAR EVENTS ARE LISTED SEPARATELY Please see the online listing at http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/Calendar/regular.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8: CONTACTS Space is too limited to list all our contacts here, so we humbly suggest you visit our web page http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk/Contacts An email or paper copy is available upon request by emailing contacts-request@networkingnewsletter.org.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9: WORTH WHILE WEB The Networking Newsletter web site, with over 150 visits (that's over 1000 hits) each day, on average, is well worth while visiting. Not only does it have updates on news and events but it has a very comprehensive resources list - with details as varied as free laptops, meeting rooms, media tips, reviews and recycling fridges - and contacts list with over 350 groups listed. So, if you have Internet access, why not make your home page: http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10: WEB SITES WORK The Networking Newsletter has been busy on the computer during the summer. Not only have we been reading and dealing with several hundred emails per month (and that's discarding what spam does get through the filters) and installing a new hard disk drive and operating systems on the computer but we've designed and set up two web sites for our members. "SunSurfer" is an Arts and Education consultancy specialising in disability & deaf arts and community arts and their web site can be found at www.sunsurfer.co.uk For the other site, see main story ("Making a Bloody Profit?") If you would like the Networking Newsletter to promote your group in cyberspace, contact us on 0161 226 9321 or websiteswork@networkingnewsletter.org.uk Paid up members get a free web page! We can also quote very competitive prices for web hosting by ethical (and friendly!) people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11: STANDING ORDERS To set us a standing order for your subscription, send us a signed letter with your bank details saying you wish to set up a standing order to "Networking Newsletter", Abbey National, 130 Market Street, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester M60 1AY whose sort code is 09-00-00 and account number 0005-0005-K3240267BON. Please state clearly the amount and how frequently you wish to pay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12: COPYRIGHT NOTICE ********************************************* -- (c)Networking Newsletter Project(2004) -- -- http://www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk -- - Permission to reproduce any info is given - -- subject to full inclusion of this notice - *********************************************